

Ecology and Logging in a Tropical Rain Forest in Guyana


Authors: Steege, H. ter, R. Boot, L. Brouwer, D. Hammond, P. van der Hout, V.G. Jetten, Z. Khan, A.M. Polak, D. Raaimakers and R. Zagt.

Guyana - 1996

ISBN: 90-5113-026-0

ISSN: 1383-6811

Language: English

A major challenge for multidisciplinary research programmes is to present results in an integrated way. Many reports do not go beyond an enumeration of results, presenting sub-projects in separate chapters without interaction between the different disciplines. In an attempt to write a comprehensive and understandable book, the authors wrote a synthesis of the results of the first phase of the Tropenbos – Guyana programme (1989-1993). The different studies are presented in a similar style and in an integrative manner. The interaction of results allows for the formulation of recommendations for forest management. The book is an important step in realising the objective of the Tropenbos-Guyana programme, i.e. to develop a sustainable forest management system, based on knowledge of the lowland tropical rain forest systems in the area. This system should allow for the harvesting of timber and other products without leading to biodegradation and loss of hydrological functions, while at the same time maintaining a satisfactory level of biodiversity.

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