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Ghana - 21 August, 2012
As part of its programme development process, Tropenbos International Ghana (TBI Ghana) in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in the Netherlands has organised a four-day training workshop for prospective PhD candidates, ending July 26, 2012 in Kumasi. The workshop aimed at supporting participants to develop bankable projects with topics within the TBI Ghana research framework. TBI Ghana and the UvA have a long standing relationship of building the capacity of mid-career professionals in forest governance, livelihoods and development.
The workshop moderated by Dr. Mirjam A.F. Ros-Tonen of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, UvA, took participants through cutting-edge issues in research proposal development for post-graduate studies.
Participants, who mainly expressed interests in registering their PhD study with UvA, were selected from TBI Ghana partner organisations including the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Resource Management Support Centre of the Forestry Commission, Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources and the Faculty of Forest Resources Technology, both of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Others include Civic Response, a civil society organisation and a member of Forest Watch Ghana, and the Ghana Telecom University College.
When successfully completed, the research outcomes of the candidates would be expected to contribute relevant knowledge and information to forest policy, management and practice in Ghana.