
11 June 2013 the Netherlands

Balancing concerns on timber legality and improving forest-based livelihoods

Concerns about deforestation and degradation and about prevailing poverty in tropical forest regions have resulted in a series of global policy initiatives. These range from policies to stimulate poverty alleviation in forest regions to programmes to prevent illegal timber logging. Such policies have often been developed independently; recent research assesses how these different policies relate to each other and how they interact.

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01 June 2013 Ghana

A boost for sustainable charcoal production

Illegal chainsaw operators in forest communities could soon depend on improved charcoal production as a viable alternative livelihood. This is because Tropenbos International Ghana has concluded arrangements with the Forestry Commission (FC) and the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG) to work together to enhance the contribution of charcoal production to local livelihoods and poverty alleviation while preserving environmental quality.

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13 May 2013 DR Congo

Artisanal logging and legality verification in DRC: what are the options?

FSC certification is not the right instrument to improve forest governance in DR Congo at the moment. This was the conclusion of a network event organised by WWF and the Dutch Tropical Forest Association VTB the 23th of April at the WWF office in Zeist, the Netherlands.

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23 April 2013 the Netherlands

Frontrunners show the way how to make sustainable forestry business work

Sustainable forestry business is possible and examples of this abound, but to achieve sufficient credibility these business cases need to be scaled up . This was a major message emanating from the side event Good Business: Making Private Investment Work for Forests at the UNFF-10 on April 15 in Istanbul. The side event was jointly organized by World Bank/PROFOR, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für international Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Tropenbos International.

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15 April 2013 Colombia

Recovering the ancestral interpretation of the Amazon territory

Indigenous communities and territory come together as one, but the relationship implies a variety of visions and interpretations. From a traditional point of view, the territory is multidimensional: it considers not only the physical-geographical area or the political-administrative dimensions, but it also includes the shamanic, mythological and inter-ethnic aspects. These are some of the elements that TBI Colombia recovers in the publication Traditional cartography of the Yucuna-Matapí: The knowledge and management of the traditional territory.

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04 April 2013 Colombia

Compiling knowledge for the strengthening of the Awá people

After a successful consultation process with the organisations that comprise the Great Awá family, Tropenbos International (TBI) Colombia provided the basis for a historical survey strategy and the strengthening of their traditional knowledge.

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