
26 January 2023 the Netherlands

Leading the way in sustainability is not a luxury, but a dire necessity

For years, the Dutch government has been supporting voluntary international corporate responsibility covenants and efforts have been made to develop methods for companies to measure and reduce their global footprint. The lack of real tangible progress shows the failure of these forms of self-regulation. It is time for binding laws and regulations. The proposed law on responsible and sustainable international business (initiatiefwet verantwoord en duurzaam internationaal ondernemen), which will be officially discussed in the House of Representatives this week, offers opportunities for internationally operating businesses to become more sustainable more quickly.

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25 January 2023 General

Agroforestry at work - Call for contributions Tropical Forest Issues 62

Agroforestry has long been considered as a key practice for sustainably improving and diversifying farm incomes, nutrition, and resilience to economic and environmental shocks. The ecological benefits are proven, and there is no shortage of technical knowledge. But its widespread adoption remains elusive. Is it that the economic benefits for farmers are not enough, or not perceived to be enough? Or are there other reasons?

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12 January 2023 Bolivia

Indigenous youth of Guarayos now managing their own forests

The forests of Guarayos provide more than half of Bolivia’s wood supply. But this is threatened by overexploitation, while younger people have been leaving to find work elsewhere. This video shows how a programme supports indigenous youth to be more aware of the value of their forests, the economic opportunities available, and to build the needed skills to make the most of these. The result – more income for them and their communities, less migration, and improved sustainable governance of local forests.

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22 December 2022 Ethiopia

A foundation stone for a new inclusive approach to dryland development in Ethiopia is laid – and is already been built upon…

Amsale Shibeshi of PENHA, presents a copy of the Ethiopian Dryland Restoration Strategy to Ato Tilaye Nigussie of Ethiopian Forestry Development. Ethiopians from across key regions and at all levels, had together produced this strategy that will guide the development of drylands throughout the country.

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07 December 2022 the Netherlands

Tropenbos International welcomes the EU deforestation Regulation – ambitious accompanying measures are needed

Late on 5 December 2022, EU decision-makers have concluded their negotiations for an EU deforestation Regulation which is the first in the world that takes significant steps to tackle global deforestation. We celebrate this historic agreement. Ambitious accompanying measures and partnerships are, however, essential to make a true transition on the ground.

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06 December 2022 General

Sharing experiences on reducing tropical wildfires by listening and learning from communities

‘There is a need of active involvement of indigenous and local communities (and their knowledge), local government, smallholders and other stakeholders in developing and implementing effective wildfire risk reduction strategies, policies and practices as extreme wildfires increase in numbers and intensity’. This is one of the main recommendations from the session ‘Fire-smart landscapes as a promising approach for effective adaptation and mitigation’ during the Global Landscape Forum Climate: Frontiers of Change in November 2022 in Sharm El Sheik.

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