
25 July 2013 Ghana

Stakeholders ready to reduce conflicts associated with chainsaw milling in Ghana

Conflicts abound in chainsaw milling operations in Ghana which pose serious setbacks to sustainable forest management efforts in the country. Although the conflicts have received some attention, duty bearers have not sufficiently dealt with them partly due to lack of adequate conflict management skills. To address this deficiency, Tropenbos International organised a training programme on conflict management to provide the requisite skills, attitude and knowledge for properly dealing with chainsaw related conflicts.

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09 July 2013 Colombia

Local research programme: Abel Rodríguez and his inventory of plants

Traditional knowledge of plants, trees and forest products can be relevant for well-managed forests, food security programmes and the strengthening of local governance. Traditional knowledge-holders have a millenary comprehension of the ecological and cultural aspects of the Amazon region and such knowledge is relevant for the formulation of local life plans and for strengthening the dialogue among local communities, traditional authorities, government institutions and other organizations.

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08 July 2013 Ghana

Spotlighting Ghana’s natural resources and environment sector

Ghana’s natural resources and environment sector would soon receive the requisite spotlight following a training programme organised by Tropenbos International Ghana for journalists in environmental reporting in Kumasi. The aim of the training was to improve information gathering and dissemination as well as public awareness of, and interest in, relevant environmental issues that affect quality of life.

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21 June 2013 the Netherlands

Green Deal for the promotion of sustainable forest management signed

Government and industry have pledged to promote the application of sustainably produced wood in the Netherlands. This has been confirmed by the signing of the Green Deal for the Promotion of Sustainable Forest Management (Green Deal Bevorderen Duurzaam Bosbeheer) on June 20th in The Hague. TBI, together with 26 other organisations, is supporting this Green Deal by providing actual and relevant information on developments regarding tropical forest management and timber trade.

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20 June 2013 the Netherlands

Involving local people in the restoration of landscapes

Productive landscapes provide a wide range of products and ecosystem services. They also fulfil the economic and environmental requirements of present and future generations at the local, national and global level.

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20 June 2013 the Netherlands

Legal domestic lumber and a multi-stakeholder dialogue

Illegal logging has a devastating impact on forests throughout the world and on the people who live in and depend on these forests. Timber-producing countries in the tropical regions struggle to provide legally verified lumber, especially for local consumption. TBI is supporting these countries in finding new ways to assist the forest sector in supplying legal lumber to the domestic market.

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